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The Refin Voyager Collection

With the Voyager collection, Refin takes us on a journey that starts from the city of Genoa and it's port.  A strategic commercial hub from which explorers, adventurers and merchants embarked to reach the New World in America.  And it is directly from the port of Genoa that Refin drew inspiration for the collection, recovering the metal from movable bridges and platforms, aged and rusted by salt and time.   

Match the floor tiles with the Voyager wall tiles. 

The journey continues across the ocean to discover the Victorian buildings that characterized the urban architecture of North America, with its large windows, spacious verandas and rich tiles featuring geometric or floral designs that covered the ceilings of the salons of the time. The rediscovery of these materials inspired the Voyager collection, which translates architectural elements of the past into ceramics, enclosing within itself the allure of adventure and the long journeys of past centuries.

The Voyager Collection has both floor and wall tiles available.


Floor Tiles:

Available in 4 colours and a matt finish

Warranty: 5 years

Lead time: In stock (300x300) or 12-14 weeks from order (other sizes)

Sizes: 300x300mm, 300x600mm, 600x600mm, 600x1200mm

Glazed porcelain tile

R9 slip rating


Wall Tiles:

  • Geometric and floral designs
  • Ceiling Mix - 15 assorted motifs
  • Ceiling white - 4 assorted motifs
  • Warranty: 5 years

    Lead time: In stock (Ceiling Mix) or 12-14 weeks from order (Ceiling White)

    Size: 300x300mm

    Interior use only


Download the product catalogue here

Refin Voyager

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